Junior golf myth

Junior golf myth

Hello Aspiring Junior Golfer (And their Parents and Coaches),
Here’s the truth as I know it:
There was a time for juniors when playing good golf was good enough…
Boy, how times have changed!
If you’re like most junior golfers, your goals include playing and winning in local tournaments, in AJGA, IJGT or other junior tour events, getting a college scholarship,  and may even dream of one day playing on the professional tours.
In order to play to your peak potential in todays ultra-competive junior golf scene, you NEED to seriously address EVERY aspect of your training… or your competitors will – and the result will likely be that you get beaten by golfers who have less talent and skill than you do.
That’s lame.
Having worked with aspiring competitive junior golfers for over 13 years, these are the most common (and frustrating) complaints that I hear from them and their parents/coaches:
  • Lack of distance off the tee… and hitting long irons into the green
  • Always feeling tight in some area of the body… how and when to stretch?
  •  Being too flexible… unable to stabilize and generate power
  •  Anxiety… either before the round and/or in high stake situations
  • Fatigue in the latter part of a round… should I eat or drink something?
  • The pressure of being a kid… both on and off the course
  • Lapses in concentration and motivation… leading to inconsistent performance
  • When should my son or daughter begin strength training?
  • My junior complains of aching joints… what can be done about it?
  • Are we pushing our kids too hard… will they burn out?
These are all valid issues and concerns.
The problem is that almost no one is addressing them, as they relate specifically to junior golfers!
And if I have learned anything in my many years as a Junior Golf Performance Coach, it is this…

Juniors are NOT just smaller versions of adult golfers!

Now, here is what I mean by that…
There are distinct differences in the way an adult golfer should train, eat and mentally prepare for a round, compared to his 13 year old son or daughter.
And it is precisely these differences that can make or break the budding career of a junior golfer.
Just as one example:
Did you know that through extensive studies, it has been determined that there are optimal “windows of opportunity” in regards to training specific elements of a junior athlete?
By “elements” I am referring to Stamina, Strength, Speed, Skill, and Mobility.
If a junior athlete misses these windows, their overall potential in each area is compromised… there is a “ceiling” on how much they can improve.
But it gets even more complex than that….
For example, the  junior boys “windows” for speed are ages 7-9 and 13-16.
BUT, we are NOT talking about chronological age…. instead we need to track the biological (or developmental) age.
That means that your son or daughter may actually be primed for a specific element of training before or after some of their friends who are the “same age”.  We actually  have to track growth spurts and then adjust the specifics of training accordingly.
Now, I’m not throwing all of this nerdy exercise science around to impress you, but rather to impress upon you, the vital importance of addressing not only your aspiring junior golfer as part of a group of young athletes, but as an individual.
In my view, it doesn’t matter if your junior just wants to make the high school team, or has aspirations of winning The Masters. They deserve to take advantage of the latest research and knowledge in order to play to their peak potential, stay injury-free, and ENJOY themselves.
That’s why the Renegade Golf Team and I have developed...
Meet Your Junior Golf Training Coach

Stephen Ladd is the president of Renegade Golf, a company dedicated to helping golfers improve through golf specific programs and comprehensive training methods, including Golf Strength and Conditioning, Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching, and Cutting-Edge Psychology. He is recognized as an industry leader, having worked with close to 6,000 golfers in 39 different countries.  Stephen holds national certifications as a golf fitness trainer with several organizations including The Titleist Performance Institute and the C.H.E.K Institute Golf Performance Coaching Program.  He was nominated as Trainer for the Year 2010, having been chosen from among over 85,000 trainers across the country.
Special Golf Psychology For Juniors Section – Coach Stephen is joined by renowned golf mental game coach Jeff Troesch for a detailed Q & A style chapter focusing on the most frequent questions from both junior golfers and their parents.  Jeff is an internationally recognized expert in the field of mental skills training and performance enhancement and has been involved in training athletes and other elite performers for nearly 18 years. Jeff served as Director of Mental Training for David Leadbetter’’s Golf Academies, where he was instrumental in assisting in the development of the training programs and methodology that continues to produce golf champions around the world. He works with several touring professionals and amateur players – assisting them in the creation of optimal training plans and developmental strategies.
The Golf Training For Juniors System Covers it All – Fitness, Nutrition, and Mental Game Strategies
Here are just a few of the game-changing  gems you’ll discover:
  • The “Basic Six” Movement Patterns that all junior golfers should be doing… better athletes are better golfers
  • The Best Upper Body Strength Builders… to Maximize Power and Distance
  • Scientific Evidence about WHEN to start your junior on specific exercises… and how to progress them throughout the teenage years
  • The 8 Best Warm-Ups to prepare both your body and your mind before a round… it takes less than 10 minutes
  • Simple (yet crucial) elements to the Junior Golf Nutrition Plan… to keep physically and mentally strong for 36 holes and beyond
  • Nutrition Bars and Sports Drinks – are they actually healthy, or just junk food with good marketing (the answer may surprise you)
  • Junior golfers have a drinking problem… it’s called Dehydration… how to fix it fast
  • The best snacks to eat before, during and after a round
  • Training the Core… specifically for Golf (Hint: NO CRUNCHES)
  • The Golf Fitness Assessments… what they reveal about your swing, and how they are used by colleges to evaluate high school prospects
  • The preventative Strategies for Staying Injury-Free Year Round
  • How to prepare for extreme weather conditions… Hot or Cold
  • How to deal with lapses in concentration… and regain focus within seconds
  • Simple techniques for diffusing frustration and anxiety… keep your cool and play to your full potential when it counts the most
  • Motivation strategies that actually work… regardless of the situation or quality of play
  • Create strategies to reduce breakdowns under pressure… Never choke again
  • Craft procedures to increase consistency of preparation and play… and watch your scores drop and ranking soar

Here’s What Junior Golfers, Parents and Coaches are Saying about Coach Stephen and The Golf Training For Juniors System
Stephen Ladd is a well respected leader in the golf fitness community in working with a diverse group of golfers including top juniors. He is well versed in golf specific exercises, stretches, and nutritional strategies designed to give his students a competitive edge when competing and playing in important tournaments and improving all around play. I highly endorse his talents and expertise in the golf fitness arena.”
Susan Hill, Golf Fitness Expert
“The biggest limitations I see with my students are stability, strength and flexibility. We have students from all over the world ranging in age from 10 to 24 and each has limitations that are very specific.  With this program, we have an opportunity to give each student an individual program. It accelerates the learning process dramatically ”
Gary Gilchrist, Director of the Gary Gilchrist Academy, previous Director of Golf for the David Leadbetter Junior Golf Academies and the International Junior Golf Academy
“Working with Coach Stephen has been a great experience from the very beginning. The program he implements is not just about getting stronger in order to hit the ball as far as you can; instead, it’s a comprehensive one that focuses on all aspects of your physical development. In working with him for a short time, I’ve noticed a significant difference in both my golf game and my overall physical well-being.  This has been a great help in my tournaments and I will continue to use these programs during my college golf  years to come.”
16 y/o  High School Golfer – Name Withheld Due to NCAA Regulations
“If your son or daughter has a passion for the game of golf and wants to play in college, the best thing that you can do for them is to help make their dreams come true by surrounding them with the right coaches. As they say, champions are made, not born.  If you want to give your child a fighting chance, you need to choose a good swing coach and a golf specific strength and mental coach. In the latter category, Stephen Ladd is hands down the best.  In the 7 years that my daughter has worked with him, he has never disappointed. He motivates her to strive to become better and stronger, and it shows!  Her core strength and agility is unparalleled.  Her golf game has constantly improved, never plateaued.  Most important is the fact that he has helped her to become a confident and focused young woman.”
Don Fraser, Columbus, OH
“Stephen Ladd used his expertise to provide a personalized fitness plan for my unique golf challenges and goals. His dedication and motivation to achieving the best in all levels of competition is contagious. He helped me prepare to train and compete at an intense level. I entered the world of collegiate golf knowing how to train and assured in my preparation. Stephen was a motivator, coach, trainer and supportive companion, spurring me on to accomplish my goals and then to set new ones. To this day, I am truly thankful.”
Ashley Baker, Former Collegiate Golfer – Furman University
Stephen Ladd shouldn’t be called a golf fitness trainer, because he is so much more than that.  His extensive knowledge of the human body, the demands of sport, nutrition and psychology all add up to the most holistic approach available today.  He is able to talk in scientific terms with academics, and at the same time communicate with juniors in way that gets them excited and compliant – far better than their parents or doctor.  The sport of golf is fortunate to have him as a mentor to the future champions.”
Eric Serrano, MD – Medical consultant to hundreds of athletes worldwide
I’ve known Stephen Ladd for quite a few years now and not only is he a great guy but he’s an expert in golf conditioning for the body and mind.  That’s very, very important when it comes to improving a junior golfers game.  You should NOT just go to a gym and expect to get good advice for a junior golfer.  You need an expert in golf conditioning and that’s Stephen.
After reading his new golf fitness for juniors book I wish I had a book like this when I was a junior because it would have given me a big advantage over my competition.  This ebook covers everything from golf specific exercises, to diet, the mental side, preparation for tournaments and on and on.  It’s 125 pages of great helpful information. So if you’re a parent of a junior  golfer this system is a “must-have” to help them become the best golfer they can and have a big advantage over the other junior golfers.
Jeff Richmond, The Golf Swing TestYourGolfSwingTest.com
“I have been training with Coach Stephen since I was eleven, and just recently committed to a university on a golf scholarship.  The stuff that I have learned, including my golf fitness workouts, nutrition and mental game have all played a big role in my success in AJGA tournaments through high school, and now being able to play at the college level.  I have always felt stronger than my competition, both mentally and physically (I just crushed a 300 yard drive last week!).  Big props to Stephen!”
17 y/o High School Golfer - Name Withheld Due to NCAA Regulations
“Coach Stephen, I am impressed with the details and overall depth of material you cover in your book.  We have been able to use the information to make important changes to the way that our daughter exercises, eats, and handles her emotions in tournaments.  The results have been obvious and continue to add up to better play and less stress.  Thank you.”
Tom Collins, Atlanta, GA
“This is exactly what we are looking for to introduce our members to the Mental and Fitness side of the game! More and more our kids are looking for that extra advantage when competing against the nations top junior golfers. Your fitness assessment is brilliant and gives each player complete confidence in knowing that the work they are going to put in is specific and appropriate for them. Plus the phases and levels allow them to work up to top golf fitness at their own pace. Our kids are now very excited about improving their bodies and minds to lower their scores! We look forward to continuing to work with you and sharing our success stories.”
Sean Farnan, Director of the Ventura County Junior Golf Association
“The information provided by “Golf Training for Juniors”provided us with just what our son needed to  improve. We have the technical part covered with a great swing coach, but had the sense that certain elements were missing and holding him back. He has been working out for quite a while now and practicing the mental suggestions in the book.  Last week in a tournament he bogeyed on his first hole and shot a 70. He is now playing the best golf of his life and I’m so proud of him. You can tell that the Renegade Golf Team is passionate about teaching our junior golfers. They thoroughly covered everything and our son is doing what he really enjoys. Thank so much!”
Kevin Warren, Tempe, AZ
“This system has been instrumental in our sons progress over the past few months.  The warm up exercises really get them both primed, along with the advice supplied for concentration and focus.Both boys now seem to enjoy working out, and we have the comfort of knowing that they are doing what is best for their health and their golf careers, wherever that might lead. They get competitions going between themselves as most boys will, which is actually helping their game. This was truly a bargain for all of us. Thanks!”
Vickie Fuller (and the twins), Memphis, TN

“Stephen,  you have done it again, by developing the most complete and easy to follow golf training program for juniors on the market today. Can’t wait to get my junior students started!! Parents should get their kids started on this program as soon as possible.  Good Luck with your new program, I know it going to be a great success. Thanks for this valuable resource.”
Dave Proffitt,  PGA Professional

“As a parent, your book has been a blessing. After our daughter spent time using the Golf Training for Juniors her swing dramatically improved. Her instructor said he noticed that she was able to be more stable and hold her spine angle, which had always been a problem. This has resulted in longer and straighter drives. She has much more self-esteem on the course than ever before too. ”
Randi Thompson, Dallas, TX
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